Associate Professor Jaquelyne Hughes

Associate Professor Jaquelyne Hughes is a Torres Strait Islander woman, based in Darwin in the Northern Territory, and works as a senior staff nephrologist and clinician researcher. Hughes designed and co-leads the New Start Dialysis Training Program at Royal Darwin Hospital, in response to patient and service needs to improve support for adults who recently started dialysis. This directly aligns to patient priorities to Live Strong and access “Care Close to Home”. Hughes co-chairs the Top End Health Service Renal Indigenous Patient Reference Group, and was the convenor ANZDATA Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Working Group (2015-2020), which led the community consultation to define best data practices for kidney health data in the Catching Some Air Project during 2018-2019. Hughes’ main research areas include leading the eGFR3 Study- a longitudinal kidney health follow-up of adult Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, and co-leading the Live Strong COVID-safe Frailty Free after starting dialysis Project. Her policy leadership advocates for Indigenous-leadership in all levels of health workforce and decision making, and she contributes to this as a Board of Directors, Australian Indigenous Doctors Association, Deputy Chair National Indigenous Kidney Transplantation Taskforce, Steering Committee Member Women in Global Health Australia, and advising the Federal Government and NT Government on National Renal Health RoadMap.